Ace Braces

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Happy Birthday to me!

The celebrations continued this week as it was my birthday and I also found out I passed my final exams. Best birthday present I could have asked for!

My birthday meal
I also had my appointment with the lovely people in Ace Braces since my last post. I got the attachments taken off my teeth and I am absolutely thrilled with the results so far. Now, there are just a couple more refinements to be made to give me the absolute perfect smile. This will require wearing a couple more sets of Invisalign aligners. I got some more impressions taken and they have been sent off for the last few aligners to be made. In the interim, I am aligner free during the day and I just wear them at night to hold the teeth in place until I get the next aligners. I keep forgetting that I don't have any aligners to take out when I eat and drink now! I had become so used to it.

I am heading off on my travels to Thailand for 3 weeks in 10 days time. I will try to refrain from posting hundreds of holiday photos when I come home!!

Friday, 1 May 2015

Another reason to smile!

I have so much to smile about this weekend, apart from it being a bank holiday! Yesterday I handed in my thesis, which means no more college for me! I'm not really sure how I feel about this yet! While the exams and thesis have meant days of hibernation in my room, I've loved my time in Galway. Now, the daunting task of hunting for a job begins... But first, I am taking a well deserved break and I'm heading to Kinsale for the weekend with 9 girls from my class. To say I'm excited would be an understatement!

My Invisalign journey may also be coming to an end quite soon. It only seems like last week since I started! I am now wearing my 12th set of aligners and I'm loving the results so far. My classmates hadn't seen me for a while until yesterday and they couldn't stop complimenting my smile! I have an appointment in Ace Braces next Tuesday to assess my progress and decide if further aligners will be needed to make some extra refinements. Exciting times overall!

*Video* - Taking in and out my aligners

Below, I have attached a short video of me talking about my Invisalign experiences so far. I also show you how easy it is to take in and out the aligners. As I said before, the aligners must be taken out before drinking hot drinks.