Ace Braces

Wednesday 19 November 2014

My first press call with Invisalign!

I put in my second set of aligners at the weekend. They felt slightly tighter for a day but I barely noticed it, which was great! I've been told that the movement of my teeth will be very gradual, which will minimise discomfort.

I also did my first press call since I've started my Invisalign treatment at the weekend. I was prepared to take out the aligners for the photos but as it turned out, the photographer didn't even notice them and you definitely can't see them in the photos. Check it out below! The press call was to advertise the beer tent at the Christmas market in Galway so look out for me in the papers this week! Can't believe we're talking about Christmas already but I'm really excited about the market coming back. There's a great atmosphere in Galway at the best of times but especially at Christmas.

I'm off to a ball now in the Galway Bay Hotel with a group of girls from my class (photos to follow!). Maybe final year isn't so bad after all... 

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