Firstly, sorry about the lack of updates here in the last month. Since my last post I have been to Thailand and back, I have graduated, started a new job and I have started into the last phase of my Invisalign journey.
I will spare you from hundreds of holiday photos but Thailand was truly amazing. You can't really go wrong with a bungalow on the beach, sun all day long, and amazing food and cocktails for a euro! When we were there we also went elephant trekking, zip-lining in the jungle and we learned how to cook like the Thai people. On our last day in Bangkok we visited a huge market, which spanned over 27 acres. I wish I had a picture of me trying to pack my backpack before home that night! Luckily they weren't as strict on the baggage allowance as Ryanair!

2 days after I arrived home, I graduated from college. I am now officially a speech and language therapist! We had a lovely day and the sun shone all day, which is very unusual for Galway! I'm sad to say I won't get a job in Ireland for the forseeable future, which is a shame given the huge demand for therapy services here. However, I have applied for some jobs in the UK and I am hopeful that I will get work there soon. In the meantime, I have started a new waitressing job. I had forgotten how long and tiring the hours are but, at the same time, I'm grateful to have something to keep me busy for the moment.

During this time I had been wearing my Invisalign aligners at night to keep my teeth in place as I waited for the next sets of aligners. Yesterday, I was back with the lovely people in Ace Braces to get started with my new aligners. I will have 16 more sets of aligners but I will now change them once a week, rather than every 2 weeks. This will speed up the process so I will be completely finished in no time. I got the attachments put on my teeth yesterday and I am wearing the first set of aligners. The attachments are slightly bigger this time but still very invisible. It will take me a couple of days to get used to taking them in and out when I'm eating and having hot drinks again.
I'm off to work another 12 hour shift now so I better go and get a good strong cup of coffee into me! Enjoy the sunshine this week if it comes!